Eggs, Egg Products & Mayonnaise
At Great Hookley Farm we offer both free range and intensively produced eggs. Significant investment has been made to ensure all of our eggs conform to the latest welfare standards introduced by the EC in 2012, and our intensively produced eggs all carry the Laid in Britain stamp of quality assurance.
Eggs are a major source of nutrition and are probably the most versatile of foods available.
Eggs have been eaten by the human race for thousands of years, early man collected eggs from the wild and cooked them on open fires or ate them raw. The egg is packed with highly nutritious protein plus vitamins A, D, E, K and B. As a source of vitamin D eggs rank second only to fish-liver oils.
The average egg consumption per person is 170 eggs per year, of these 140 are eaten after being bought in shell, the remainder are eaten in cakes and ready made meals.
Egg Products
We stock a range of egg products which allow for expediency in a busy commercial kitchen, including pasteurised whole egg, liquid egg yolk and liquid egg white.
Mayonnaise originated in France and is made by slowly adding oil to egg yolk whilst mixing to disperse the oil. Commercially produced mayonnaise uses pasterised egg yolk and is available in five litre and ten litre quantities.